Give The People What They Want.

I realize it's been a while since I last updated; of course, things have changed (& changed again) dramatically since my previous entry. COVID is very much still here though, in fact NYC is undergoing another wave. Some close friends came down with it very recently, and there's been a massive uptick of coughing, sneezing and dizziness/fatigue on public transportation. It doesn't bode well for the Summer, but we'll see how it goes.
The current Mercury Retrograde we're going through, aligned with the recent eclipses in Taurus & Scorpio, has been brutal – financial instability coupled with deep emotional issues coming to the fore, mixed with delays and technological snafus. It's affecting people everywhere, not just me, so I don't wallow in it. I handle what I can and keep my expectations low while still leaving space for divine surprises.

Some cycles persist, despite the upheaval. Today I picked the first strawberries of the season from my garden, and the lemon balm is growing in nicely. Soon the echinacea will blossom and the blueberries will ripen.
I've been going to shows, and the portfolio has been updated (go see!). I'm not 100% pleased with my D3400; while I've taken some lovely shots with it, it doesn't handle low-light situations as well as I'd like, and actually malfunctioned during the last show I photographed (on Friday the 13th, of course!). I purchased it “new” a few years ago but clearly received a used/refurbished camera (no instruction manual, tons of weird presets, plain white box w/no branding), and I've always considered it a bit of a lemon. My iPhone SE is actually more dependable with regards to low lighting, even if it's far less forgiving with current stage light setups. Once my finances are sorted I'll either get the D3400 checked & cleaned by professionals, or cut my losses and buy a new digital camera.

My shifting circumstances have allowed me to look at older photographs with a kinder eye and fresher perspectives. These shots of Castle Rat at LPR from March 2022 are a case in point. This was a major opportunity for the band – their first proper gig in Greenwich Village, opening for Monolord. They played a killer show, and I was incredibly proud of them. But the stage lighting was...challenging, to say the least. It ranged from full house lights to deep red LEDs, & I was initially disappointed with my pics. However, I went through them again a couple of weeks ago and realized there were some powerful images that deserved to be seen. I'm now revisting shots from 2021 to see if there's more hidden treasure to be found.

I'm very grateful for the feedback I've received regarding this website. I considered shutting it down, taking it offline, as I couldn't find the time to upload and tweak and do all the things someone with an online presence needs to do. But via emails, DMs and in-person conversations (yes, those still happen from time to time!), I was told in no uncertain terms that people absolutely love the lo-fi aesthetic of my site, and that I should keep at it. Also, there were lots of discussions about where social media platforms are going, and how maybe having my own personal virtual space outside of that could be a smart move going forward.
So I'll dip back into my CSS studies, and take steps to keep my site safe, updated & protected. I'll do my best to stick to a posting schedule and keep the content fresh. I'll stay in touch, stay connected, and as always, keep breathing.